Internet and the Prospects of Online Social networks
In Patter Recognition, the author utilizes the Internet to give readers a feeling of present day. Internet seems to be the center of the main theme throughout this novel. The Internet and social networks allow characters in the story to instantly communicate from various locations around the world. Gibson introduces his “Pattern Recognition” world by exemplifying the idea that mysterious media and footage can be leaked into the online world allowing online users the opportunity to be involved in their own community. The online world allows Cayce to escape her real life and escape confrontation in the real world.
The novel’s language incorporates the theme and aspects of Globalization. The characters varying nationalities represent globalization. The international travel that takes place further supports the theory of Globalization. A large factor of Globalization within Patter Recognition is the instant communication that occurs through the Internet and social networks. Within the first eighty pages of the novel, the author exposes as e-mail conversation between two main characters to exemplify portable instant communication. Even if individuals are on opposite sides of the world, they can instantly reach each other through our universal online connection.